Gay Men and The Anima Function

My initial interest in the notion of anima was very limited. The concept, for whatever reason, lacked a personification that would attract my attention.

Wege zu einer zeitgemäßen Naturphilosophie

Aufgrund des Schlagwortes von der "ökologischen Krise" gehört es heute schon zum guten Ton, auf die Notwendigkeit einer kritischen Revision des gegenwärtigen Verhältnisses von Mensch und Natur hinzuweisen.

Countertransference, the Imaginal World, and the Politics of the Sublime

This chapter links psychoanalysis, Jungian and post-Jungian psychology, and political/social criticism. I will begun by exploring some links between current understandings of 'countertransference' and the mundus imaginalis, the imaginal world, a term deriving from a different discipline but useful and suggestive in a variety of ways.

Citizens as Therapists

How can we translate our emotional, bodily and imaginative responses to Bosnia. to ecological disaster, to homeless-ness. to poverty worldwide. into action? How can we begin to make political use of people's private reactions to public events?

You be the Daddy, Mummy

Recent months have seen a huge moral panic whipped up about lone parenthood. The state of fatherhood is both more and less than the level of that huge and passionate debate implies. Scanning the situation with a psychologist's eye, it occurs to me that we are witnessing a damaging and misleading idealization of fathers and the roles which men play in families.