Convergent dialogues

As theorists and practitioners of psychoanalysis and related professions reflect on the acceleration of change over the past two decades, new conversations are emerging between contemporary psychoanalysis and analytical psychology.

Editors Preface to The Transcendent Function

This is James Hillman's preface from A.R. Pope's original translation. Printed privately for students in 1957 at the Jung Institute in Zurich.

A produção criativa na arte e na doença

Observando a biografia de escritores, pintores, poetas e artistas em geral, percebemos que um elo que os une é a criatividade.

An Interview with June Singer

The Jungian world lost a truly amazing person this year, June Singer. I had the great privilege of assembling an interview with her in 1998 for the old Jung Index web site. Here is the full text of that interview. I hope you enjoy it.

"This is the first time I've addressed myself to people on the Internet, save for a few good friends. Well, I've just had my eightieth birthday, and I thought that if I don't keep trying new things, I'm liable to get brain-dead. I thought, this will be a breeze! That's what I thought. " - June Singer Sun, 29 Nov. 1998

The Dark Feminine

For some of us, if not for all, meaning in life periodically finds its way through a piercing and deadly darkness. Hopelessness and despair can descend like a toxic cloud, even in the midst of a joy-filled life, a life of spiritual discipline and intent, and dedication and commitment to conscious growth.